29 Jun 2023

Customer Safety & Emergency Response Protocols


Chevron Malaysia has always emphasised that stations must always prioritise Customer Safety and be alert to respond to any emergency situation. Being prepared and aware of the station’s surroundings is crucial as that helps in maintaining a safe environment for customers plus giving staff the confidence to remain calm in emergencies.

Station Management needs to regularly refresh all staff, including themselves, on the processes laid out in the Caltex Station Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual. Staff are also encouraged to participate in Wira Caltex to have the opportunity to win prizes whilst learning or refreshing themselves on SOP-related matters.

Emergency situations can happen anytime as demonstrated by a recent incident at a Caltex station in Seremban, operated by Rahang Petroleum Sdn Bhd. Staff noticed that a customer’s motorcycle fuel tank was leaking. Station staff calmly took charge and informed the customer of the issue and reminded him not to start his motorcycle. They then assisted the customer to move his motorcycle to a safe area at the side while informing the other customers of the situation to ensure everyone’s safety was maintained. Other staff were at the same time cordoning off the affected area to clean up. The area was only open up to customers once the area was considered safe by the staff.

Chevron Malaysia thanks Rahang Petroleum and their staff for showing the importance of being aware of the necessary SOPs during an emergency situation.