14 Nov 2023

Caltex Rewards Carnival with Scholfield Sdn Bhd

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14 October 2023, Sunday - Branded Marketer Scholfield Sdn Bhd as the main sponsor had partnered with Batu Pahat Municipal Council, Senggarang ADUN Office and the Residents Association of Taman Evergreen Heights to organise a Caltex Rewards Carnival.

The carnival was held at the Taman Evergreen Heights Recreational Park in conjunction with Family Day, “Hari Gerak Mesra”, and “Gotong Royong”. The event was officiated by YB ADUN Senggarang and witnessed by MPBP Secretary, Zone 21 Council Members, Chevron RBC Ila Naquia, Scholfield BMBC Mohd Razli as well as over 300 local residents.

Retail Partner Rahmat Aktif Trading set up a Caltex Rewards activation booth and received amazing responses from the local community with more than 124 registrations! The first 100 registrants were rewarded with a RM 5 petrol voucher rebate too. Besides that, a variety of vendors had booths to make the atmosphere more vibrant. They include:

  • Toyota and Proton display booth
  • Diabetes exhibition and health screening by Batu Pahat District Health Office
  • Robotics exhibition by College Batu Pahat Community
  • Aquaponics exhibition by Zerosoil

The event also saw other activities being organised - ranging from aerobics, fun walk and traditional games to entertain the participants throughout the event. There was also a colouring contest, lucky draws and an exciting treasure hunt with Caltex participated by over 20 families.

The event was a major success and gained good social media coverage amongst the local community. Council Member Mr Yaman also requested the MPBP Secretary to put on record that the carnival was one of the best initiated programmes for 2023.

Chevron thanks Scholfield Sdn Bhd and collaborating partners in making this event a successful one, Special thanks to Retail Partner Mr Mohd Fauzan, RBC Ila Naquia, BMBC Mohd Razli and the station CSRs for their support and work at the event.

Caltex Rewards Carnival with Scholfield